Platform tutorials

We have created a series of tutorial videos that explain what’s changing on the Millenium Investment Platform and give step by step instructions on how to use the new functionality.

Platform overview

In this video we’ll explain the new log-in process and then introduce you to the new screens. This gives you an overview of the features of our new Millenium Investment platform including a set of instructions for both existing and new users on how to access the new system.

Placing a trade

In this video we explain the process for placing an individual purchase or sale of an asset, how to switch an asset and how to place an FX trade. It’s important to be aware that trading is only available to authorised users who have been specifically granted the right to trade on the chosen portfolio.

Authorising a trade

This video explains how to authorise a trade that has already been submitted on a client portfolio but requires a second authorisation before it can be carried out.

How to link a portfolio to a model portfolio in the Millenium Investment Wealth Platform

Ardan’s Model Portfolio Manager allows an adviser firm to create and manage an unlimited number of Model Portfolios. If the client wishes to hold other assets alongside, these must be held in a separate portfolio. In this illustration video we help you understand how to link a portfolio to a Model.

How to authorise a model link submitted on a portfolio in the Millenium Investment Wealth Platform

This video explains how to authorise a model link that has already been submitted on a portfolio but requires a second authorisation. To link/de-link a client to a model portfolio the user must have the appropriate user rights to do so, and this must include trading rights.

We suggest you review our Model Portfolio Guide before following this tutorial, click here to read our Model Portfolio Guide.

Introducing our new Platform