14 JAN 2020
Beneficiary Trusts with Millenium Investment
If your client wants their platform benefits to go to named beneficiaries in the event of their death, you may want to talk to them about a Beneficiary Trust.
Key features of a Beneficiary Trust:
- It only comes into effect on the death of the Relevant Person (the person on whose death the benefits of the platform become payable).
- It can be used for new and existing platform clients
- Additional investments can still be made
Who is it suitable for?
- Individuals who want their platform investments to remain in their own name during their lifetime
- Individuals who want to ensure that their platform passes to nominated beneficiaries upon death.
Providing one of the nominated trustees is still alive on the death of the last surviving platform owner, the costs and delays associated with obtaining Isle of Man Probate would be avoided.
Contact us to find out more about our Beneficiary Trust.