17 DEC 2019


Are you using our Model Portfolio Service?

Did you know Millenium Investment offers a Model Portfolio Service?

Our Model Portfolio Management area allows adviser firms to create and manage model portfolios. Alternatively, you can outsource the management of your clients’ portfolios to a third party Portfolio Manager. Millenium Investment offers access to a number of model portfolios created and managed by leading external Portfolio Managers.

Take a look at the benefits our Model Portfolio Management Service can offer you and your clients:

  • You won’t need to make any trades when new money is received, we’ll automatically apply new and additional investments to the client’s portfolio.
  • When a model is changed we’ll automatically implement any changes to the client’s portfolio.
  • You can achieve a split custody type arrangement across multiple portfolios and/or individual assets.
  • You can switch models at any time within the platform.
  • All assets and individual performance information is available within your client’s portfolio.

Get in touch to find out more.